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Building Department Notice - Open Building Permits
The Joint Building Committee will be starting to send out letters this year to property owners with open building permits that are more than two years old. As per your municipalities Building By-Law, Permit Maintenance Fees can be applied annually to any open permit after two years. Annual fees for dwelling and additions are $250.00, accessory structures are $200.00 and commercial permits are $300.00. There will be a 30-day grace period to close off your building permit before the fees are applied. Fees can be applied annually with interest incurring after six months and if unpaid maybe applied to your property taxes in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001 s.434 (2).
We encourage anyone that is aware of an open building permit more than two years old on their property to contact our office to close off your permit, if possible, at (705) 384-9444 .